Hello and welcome to my Blog,
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts.
I wanted to start up a blog (and eventually, a youtube channel) discussing my faith. Mostly my faith within the Anglican Catholic church.
"Anglican catholic?" you may be asking yourself. "How does that work?"
Well, I'll explain that in a later blog. This is just an introduction.
I was confirmed in the A.C.C. this past November and have been attending my parish since December of 2013. Since around spring of 2014 I have had a lot of my friends ask me questions about the A.C.C. ever since.
You see, I have a pretty diverse religious background.
I was born and baptized in the Methodist church, then my family became Presbyterians, then Baptists (where I was baptized again because Baptist don't believe in infant baptisms), then Presbyterian again, the attended 2 very different evangelical churches. One with a heavy Pentecostal influence (where I was baptized two more times, because, what the heck? I love Jesus!) and another with a heavy Baptist influence.
I spent most of my later years as an Evangelical. Which is funny, because I never liked calling myself an evangelical. In the media, Evangelicals have a bad reputation as Bible thumpers, street preachers, or Mega church millionaires.
So, I just called myself "Non Denominational".
I never called myself religious because I was taught Religion was man made and just a bunch of rules and restrictions that got in the way of having a relationship with Christ.
Now before I continue, I want to make this clear: I have no bad blood to any church I have ever attended in my life. I still keep in touch with my Methodists, Baptist, Presbyterian, and evangelical friends. There was never a church I was ever a part of that God did not bring me too at that time.
In fact, I met my husband while attending the Evangelical church.
My Husband was raised Episcopalian and then left the church all together. Later in his life he came back to Christ and began attending Independent Baptist churches.
After we got engaged, he told me he wanted to take me to An Anglican Christmas Eve Mass. He assured me I would enjoy it and that it was always a found memory from his childhood.
So, In December of 2014, he found A local Anglican Catholic Church and we went.
Now, with my Methodist and Presbyterian background, I got the basic gist of the Liturgy. But I was still lost. The incense, the chanting, making of the sign of the Cross was beautiful and almost haunting. But the Evangelical in me kept telling me its all religion and poppy cock.
That night my then Fiancé (now husband) told me he felt lead back to the Anglican church.
I was heartbroken. That wasn't the plan. The plan was we would continue to go to the church my parents and I were attending.
My husband continued to visit the A.C.C. and I almost stopped going to my evangelical church all together. I didn't know what to do. He first suggested we just go to our separate churches, but I knew I did not want to do that.
Yet the very thought of becoming an Anglican scared me. I was a bit kicking and screaming about the whole idea.
Little did I know, my husband was praying to God Everyday "Lord, if this is where you are leading me, lead her too."
Sure enough, God softened my heart and I went to another service. I ask husband questions about the customs and devotions, spoke with the rector, and got to know the Congregation. My inner evangelical would still speak to me and say "How can the spirit move in all this tradition?"
But I would observe the services and saw that it did. Sure, it's traditions, but that didn't mean that every single person in that room didn't put their entire hearts and souls in their devotions.
So I broke the news to my parents and the evangelical church I was attending at the time.
I wanted to make it clear to everyone that I wasn't mad at anyone or was upset, or anything of the sort, but that God was leading my Husband and myself to where we needed to be.
So here I am. A proud Anglican.
Now, you might be wondering where "veiled" comes in. Well, Whenever I go to church or when I pray at home, I practice headcovering. I used to do it full time for many months, but that was a season in my life. Glad I did it, but God let me know that full time was no longer needed of me.
Why do I cover my head from prayers. Well, I get into that in a later blog, but give 1st Corinthians 11 a look and you'll understand better.
So what's the point of starting this blog?
Well, like I said, I have many low church and Evangelical friends who are confused about some of the devotions I practice. So I created this blog to explain what and why we do them. I'll talk about the sign of the cross, the Common book of prayer, headcoverings, the Hierarchy of the church, Rosaries, and so much more.
keep an eye out for my next blog.
May the Lord be with you!
And also with you.